Mature follicle count and multiple gestation risk based on patient age in intrauterine insemination cycles with ovarian stimulation. MB Evans, NC Stentz, KS Richter, B Schexnayder, M Connell, K Devine, E Widra, MW Healy, R Stillman, AH DeCherney, MJ Hill. Obstetrics & Gynecology 2020 (in press)
Ambient air pollution exposure and fecundability in women undergoing In vitro fertilization. SM Quraishi, PC Lin, KS Richter, MD Hinckley, B Yee, G Neal-Perry, L Sheppard, JD Kaufman, A Hajat. Environmental Epidemiology 2019;3:e036. (full text)
Larger oocyte cohorts maximize fresh IVF cycle birth rates and availability of surplus high-quality blastocysts for cryopreservation. MT Connell, KS Richter, K Devine, MJ Hill, AH DeCherney, JO Doyle, MJ Tucker, MJ Levy. Reproductive Biomedicine Online 2019;38:711-723. (full text)
Defining thresholds for abnormal premature progesterone levels during ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization. MJ Hill, MW Healy, KS Richter, T Parikh, K Devine, AH DeCherney, MJ Levy, EA Widra, G Patounakis. Fertility & Sterility 2018;110:671-679. (full text)
Vitrified blastocyst transfer cycles with the use of only vaginal progesterone replacement with Endometrin have inferior ongoing pregnancy rates: results from the planned interim analysis of a three-arm randomized controlled noninferiority trial. K Devine, KS Richter, E Widra, JL McKeeby. Fertility & Sterility 2018;109:266-75. (full text)
Diminished ovarian reserve as measured by means of baseline follicle-stimulating hormone and antral follicle count is not associated with pregnancy loss in younger in vitro fertilization patients. LA Bishop, KS Richter, G Patounakis, L Andriani, K Moon, K Devine. Fertility & Sterility 2017;108:980-7. (full text)
Revisting the progesterone to oocyte ratio. MJ Hill, MW Healy, KS Richter, E Widra, ED Levens, AH DeCherney, G Patounakis, B Whitcomb. Fertility & Sterility 2017;107:671-6 e2. (full text)
The slow growing embryo and premature progesterone elevation: compounding factors for embryo-endometrial asynchrony. MW Healy, M Yamasaki, G Patounakis, KS Richter, K Devine, AH DeCherney, MJ Hill. Human Reproduction 2017;32:362-7. (full text)
Assessing the adequacy of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist leuprolide to trigger oocyte maturation and management of inadequate response. FE Chang, SA Beall, JM Cox, KS Richter, AH DeCherney, MJ Levy. Fertility & Sterility 2016;106:1093-1100 e3. (full text)
Factors associated with birth outcomes from cryopreserved blastocysts: experience from 4,597 autologous transfers of 7,597 cryopreserved blastocysts. KS Richter, DK Ginsburg, SK Shipley, J Lim, MJ Tucker, JR Graham, MJ Levy. Fertility & Sterility 2016;106:354-62 e2. (full text)
Successful elective and medically indicated oocyte vitrification and warming for autologous in vitro fertilization, with predicted birth probabilities for fertility preservation according to number of cryopreserved oocytes and age at retrieval. JO Doyle, KS Richter, J Lim, RJ Stillman, JR Graham, MJ Tucker. Fertility & Sterility 2016;105:459-66 e2. (full text)
Are good patient and embryo characteristics protective against the negative effect of elevated progesterone level on the day of oocyte maturation? MJ Hill, GD Royster, MW Healy, KS Richter, G Levy, AH DeCherney, ED Levens, G Suthar, E Widra and MJ Levy. Fertility & Sterility 2015;103:1477-84 e1-5. (full text)
Scrying the future: The ongoing transformation of reproductive medicine through vitrification. KS Richter, JR Graham, MJ Tucker. In: Vitrification in Assisted Reproduction, 2nd edition. MJ Tucker and J Liebermann, eds. Taylor and Francis 2015:225-38. (full text)
Single vitrified blastocyst transfer maximizes liveborn children per embryo while minimizing preterm birth. K Devine, MT Connell, KS Richter, CI Ramirez, ED Levens, AH DeCherney, RJ Stillman and EA Widra. Fertility & Sterility 2015;103:1454-60 e1. (full text)
Ovarian reserve and subsequent assisted reproduction outcomes after methotrexate therapy for ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy of unknown location. MJ Hill, JC Cooper, G Levy, C Alford, KS Richter, AH DeCherney, CL Katz, ED Levens and EF Wolff. Fertility & Sterility 2014;101:413-9. (full text)
Single-donor and double-donor sperm intrauterine insemination cycles: does double intrauterine insemination increase clinical pregnancy rates? SM Zarek, MJ Hill, KS Richter, M Wu, AH DeCherney, JE Osheroff and ED Levens. Fertility & Sterility 2014;102:739-43. (full text)
Influences on endometrial development during intrauterine insemination: clinical experience of 2,929 patients with unexplained infertility. EF Wolff, N Vahidi, C Alford, KS Richter and E Widra. Fertility & Sterility 2013;100:194-9 e1. (full text)
Money-back guarantees. ED Levens, KS Richter and MJ Levy. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine 2013;31:198-203. (full text)
Number of supernumerary vitrified blastocysts is positively correlated with implantation and live birth in single-blastocyst embryo transfers. MJ Hill, KS Richter, RJ Heitmann, TD Lewis, AH DeCherney, JR Graham, E Widra and MJ Levy. Fertility & Sterility 2013;99:1631-6. (full text)
Refuting a misguided campaign against the goal of single-embryo transfer and singleton birth in assisted reproduction. RJ Stillman, KS Richter and HW Jones, Jr. Human Reproduction 2013;28:2599-607. (full text)
The simplified SART embryo scoring system is highly correlated to implantation and live birth in single blastocyst transfers. RJ Heitmann, MJ Hill, KS Richter, AH DeCherney and EA Widra. Journal of Assisted Reproduction & Genetics 2013;30:563-7. (full text)
Trophectoderm grade predicts outcomes of single-blastocyst transfers. MJ Hill, KS Richter, RJ Heitmann, JR Graham, MJ Tucker, AH DeCherney, PE Browne and ED Levens. Fertility & Sterility 2013;99:1283-1289 e1. (full text)
Moving Toward Single Embryo Transfer. KS Richter, RJ Stillman, EA Widra. In: E Ginsburg, C Racowsky (eds) In Vitro Fertilization: A Comprehensive Guide. Springer, New York, NY, 2012:75-82.
SART/ASRM Practice Guidelines: Elective single embryo transfer. Fertility & Sterility 2012;97:835-42. (full text)
Contribution of male age to outcomes in assisted reproductive technologies. BW Whitcomb, R Turzanski-Fortner, KS Richter, S Kipersztok, RJ Stillman, MJ Levy and ED Levens. Fertility & Sterility 2011;95:147-51. (full text)
Essure multicenter off-label treatment for hydrosalpinx before in vitro fertilization. DI Galen, N Khan and KS Richter. J Minimally Invasive Gynecology 2011;18:338-42. (full text)
Genetic Normalization of Differentiating Aneuploid Human Embryos. P Brezina, A Barker, A Benner, R Ross, K Nguyen, R Anchan, K Richter, G Cutting, W Kearns. Nature Precedings 2011, June 23. (full text)
The prevalence of genuine empty follicle syndrome. TB Mesen, B Yu, KS Richter, E Widra, AH DeCherney and JH Segars. Fertility & Sterility 2011;96:1375-7. (full text)
Subclinical elevations of thyroid-stimulating hormone and assisted reproductive technology outcomes. KG Michalakis, TB Mesen, LM Brayboy, B Yu, KS Richter, M Levy, E Widra and JH Segars. Fertility & Sterility 2011;95:2634-7. (full text)
Conversion from assisted reproductive technology to intrauterine insemination in low responders: is it advantageous? JM Norian, ED Levens, KS Richter, EA Widra and MJ Levy. Fertility & Sterility 2010;94:2073-7. (full text)
Demographic variables related to successful anonymous oocyte donor recruitment. P Sachs, SN Covington, C Toll, KS Richter, M Purcell and FE Chang. Fertility & Sterility 2010;93:311-3. (full text)
Effect of air quality on assisted human reproduction. RS Legro, MV Sauer, GL Mottla, KS Richter, X Li, WC Dodson and D Liao. Human Reproduction 2010;25:1317-24. (full text)
Does dilation and curettage versus expectant management for spontaneous abortion in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization affect subsequent endometrial development? KS Moon, KS Richter, MJ Levy and EA Widra. Fertility & Sterility 2009;92:1776-9. (full text)
Elective single embryo transfer: A 6-year progressive implementation of 784 single blastocyst transfers and the influence of payment method on patient choice. RJ Stillman, KS Richter, NK Banks and JR Graham. Fertility & Sterility 2009;92:1895-906. (full text)
Matched-samples comparison of intramuscular versus vaginal progesterone for luteal phase support after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. N Khan, KS Richter, TL Newsome, EJ Blake and VI Yankov. Fertility & Sterility 2009;91:2445-50. (full text)
The importance of growth factors for preimplantation embryo development and in-vitro culture. KS Richter. Curr Opin Obstetrics & Gynecology 2008;20:292-304. (full text)
Laser assisted hatching in good prognosis patients undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer: a randomized controlled trial. AW Sagoskin, MJ Levy, MJ Tucker, KS Richter and EA Widra. Fertility & Sterility 2007;87:283-7. (full text)
Relationship between endometrial thickness and embryo implantation, based on 1,294 cycles of in vitro fertilization with transfer of two blastocyst-stage embryos. KS Richter, KR Bugge, JG Bromer and MJ Levy. Fertility & Sterility 2007;87:53-9. (full text)
Cryopreserved embryo transfers suggest that endometrial receptivity may contribute to reduced success rates of later developing embryos. KS Richter, SK Shipley, I McVearry, MJ Tucker and EA Widra. Fertility & Sterility 2006;86:862-6. (full text)
No advantage of laser-assisted over conventional intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a randomized controlled trial [NCT00114725]. KS Richter, A Davis, J Carter, SJ Greenhouse, GL Mottla and MJ Tucker. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Assisted Reproduction 2006;3:5. (full text)
Selection for faster development does not bias sex ratios resulting from blastocyst embryo transfer. KS Richter, M Anderson and BH Osborn. Reproductive Biomedicine Online 2006;12:460-5. (full text)
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis and screening. WG Kearns, R Pen, J Graham, T Han, J Carter, M Moyer, KS Richter, M Tucker, SF Hoegerman and E Widra. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine 2005;23:336-47. (full text)
Late presentation with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is diagnostic of clinical in vitro fertilization pregnancy. KS Richter, RL Van Nest and RJ Stillman. Fertility & Sterility 2004;82:478-9. (full text)
Salpingectomy or proximal tubal occlusion of unilateral hydrosalpinx increases the potential for spontaneous pregnancy. AW Sagoskin, BA Lessey, GL Mottla, KS Richter, RJ Chetkowski, AS Chang, MJ Levy and RJ Stillman. Human Reproduction 2003;18:2634-7. (full text)
Implantation and pregnancy rates are higher for oocyte donor cycles after blastocyst-stage embryo transfer. BS Shapiro, KS Richter, DC Harris and ST Daneshmand. Fertility & Sterility 2002;77:1296-7. (full text)
Influence of patient age on the growth and transfer of blastocyst-stage embryos. BS Shapiro, KS Richter, DC Harris and ST Daneshmand. Fertility & Sterility 2002;77:700-5. (full text)
Quantitative grading of a human blastocyst: optimal inner cell mass size and shape. KS Richter, DC Harris, ST Daneshmand and BS Shapiro. Fertility & Sterility 2001;76:1157-67. (full text)
Dramatic declines in implantation and pregnancy rates with repeated cycles of in vitro fertilization with blastocyst transfer after one or more failed attempts. BS Shapiro, KS Richter, DC Harris and ST Daneshmand. Fertility & Sterility 2001;76:538-42. (full text)
A comparison of day 5 and day 6 blastocyst transfers. BS Shapiro, KS Richter, DC Harris and ST Daneshmand. Fertility & Sterility 2001;75:1126-30. (full text)
Predictive value of 72-hour blastomere cell number on blastocyst development and success of subsequent transfer based on the degree of blastocyst development. BS Shapiro, DC Harris and KS Richter. Fertility & Sterility 2000;73:582-6. (full text)
Inbreeding and outcrossing in Yucca whipplei: consequences for the reproductive success of plant and pollinator. KS Richter and AE Weis. Ecology Letters 1998;1:21-4. (full text)
Differential abortion in the yucca. KS Richter and AE Weis. Nature 1995;376:557-8. (full text)
The pollination of Yucca whipplei by Tegeticula maculata: The benefits and costs of an obligate mutualism. KS Richter. Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Irvine 1995